Saturday, July 30, 2011

30 Days of Books, Day 23.

[A book you've wanted to read for a while but still haven't.]

Two for you today, because it's Indecisive Sunday here.

The sensual, rebellious Anna renounces a respectable yet stifling
marriage for an affair that offers passion even as it
ensnares her for destruction. Her story contrasts with that of Levin,
a young, self- doubting agnostic who takes a different path to fulfillment. 
Why I want to read it: The storyline looks to be fantastic. Of course, I've had any spoilers well and truly spoilt after reading both the Wikipedia entry and the Sparknotes entry, but kaphwoar this looks to be great reading. The majority of reviews on Goodreads declare it perfection, Dostoevsky described it as "flawless as a work of art", and it has been criticised countless times, referenced in myriad novels, and adapted into film, TV, opera, radio, ballet, theatre and a not-so-well-received stage musical. 

Even the Quirks got a hold of it.
I'll admit it: there is something in me that wants to read it for the sake of reading a Tolstoy. When I'm invited to a literary party (you know, the sort that Gary Shteyngart trains his writing students for), it will be bliss to go, "Oh? Tolstoy? Yes, I've read Tolstoy. Who hasn't?" 
But that's only a small part. The majority of me responded to this:


Why I haven't read it yet: Alongside my "Of course I've read Tolstoy; are you still reading Twilight?" snobbery that I jokingly long for, there's the fear.
What fear? you ask. 
If you buy the Penguin Classics version, it's 864 pages. I've felt how thin these pages are, too. They're borderline tissue-paper. Probably just a tiny bit thicker than the pages in my Bible. Of course, it's not as daunting as War and Peace in this same version (1440 pages, thin as rice paper). Still, very daunting.

Other things that I've realised in writing this post: Joe Wright is making a movie out of this. The cast is reportedly as follows:

Keira Knightley (Anna), Jude Law (her husband, Karenin), Matthew MacFadyen (Oblonsky), Kelly Macdonald (his wife, Dolly), Olivia Williams (Countess Vronskaya, Vronsky’s mother), Saoirse Ronan (Kitty, Dolly’s sister), Aaron Johnson (Anna’s lover, Vronsky), Andrea Riseborough (Princess Betsy) and Domhnall Gleeson (Levin).

Of course Keira is the leading lady (Joe Wright, be creative! Find someone new!). Extremely excited for yet another Matthew MacFadyen drool-fest (though, once again... be creative, Joe). Apparently Kitty and Levin marry one another... I tell you, I'm going to be getting so confused throughout this entire movie. "NO! LIZZIE, STOP KISSING WATSON. GO BACK TO MR DARCY. Incidentally, why is Mr Darcy with the Grey Lady? AND BRIONY YOU ARE NOT FLEUR STOP ATTEMPTING TO SEDUCE BILL."
If that's the correct pairings, anyway.
However, I'm most excited about Tom Stoppard writing the script. Squee x a million.

Next up...
Falsely accused of treason, the young sailor Edmond Dantes is
arrested on his wedding day and imprisoned in the island
fortress of the Chateau d'If. Having endured years of
incarceration, he stages a daring and dramatic escape and
sets out to discover the fabulous treasure of
Monte Cristo, and to catch up with his enemies.
Why I want to read it: This book seems to be the great adventure novel I've been searching high and low for. I don't know much about it to see how accurate that is. Once again, Goodreads made it look very promising, as did a quick Wikipedia scan (I didn't read too much for fear of spoilers. I refuse to have this one spoiled). It looks like it's going to be filled with brilliantly written characters, which is my absolute favourite thing when reading.
Character relations in the novel (click to enlarge. You'll need to).
The saying "it's a small world after all" clearly came from
a fan of this book.
My friend Joshua has been extremely inspired by this book, and has urged me countless times to read it. Much to his dismay, I still haven't actively hunted for it and haven't bought it when it's been right in front of my face. (I can still remember the day when I bought a Sophie Kinsella novel instead of this one. He nearly cried.) So that's another reason: I sort of promised him I would before I died.

Why I haven't read it yet: I'll chalk this one up to laziness, and there always being an easier read around. Case in point, I'll choose chick-lit over something that will stimulate my mind more. (No offense, chick-lit writers. I'm probably going to be one of you anyway.) With books like this, I have an, "Eh, next time" frame of mind as I'm scouring libraries. I nearly missed out on the joys of Jane Eyre, The Virgin Suicides, and Pride and Prejudice as a result of this, but still I persist in this way of thinking.

Other things I realised in writing this post: Jim Caviezel (aka Guy Who Starred in A Movie Once With Jennifer Lopez, But Who Is More Commonly Recognised Due To Playing Jesus in The Passion Of The Christ) is in the most recent (?) film adaptation.

Guy on the right.
Who is guy on the left, though? And can I have his sword?
Apparently, he makes the ladies swoon.

Caviezel outwardly is calm, but inside is frantically
trying to remember the DRABC method.
The question remains... when will you get around to reading these books?
Oh, all right. Stop twisting my arm. I'll aim to do it by this time next year, okay?
I have a full list of books I've been meaning to read but keep forgetting to. But I'll put these ones first, because I love you all.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Book Friday: Spring for Susannah, Catherine Richmond

Straight after the death of her father, Susannah Underhill decides to take her friend's advice and get married. She's not met Jesse Mason before. He's the pastor's brother, but lives far out west in Dakota. The two don't seem a likely match at all, but as time goes on and they get to know one another and, more importantly, trust one another, love inevitably blossoms. This story charts the first few years of their marriage, and the ups and downs that come with it.

I'll admit it. I didn't get into this book at first.
Maybe it was the writing, maybe it was that I was emotionally invested in another Jesse and Susannah, maybe it was that I'd just finished a book and I didn't want to give that up.
I put this book down (/closed the app on my phone), and a week later I picked it up not expecting too much.

Tash was proven wrong.

Turns out this is a debut story. Well, that surprised me. With the whole story in context, her writing is very cleverly manipulated to reflect the situation. What originally struck me as stilted was actually excellent in building atmosphere; Jesse and Susannah became their own characters with their own story that I desperately wanted to get to the end of - and not just so it was over.

It's an interesting concept, being a mail-order bride. And that was what prompted me to choose this book - finding out more about this whole idea. How difficult would it be to marry in such a situation? Catherine showed the emotion that would come with making - and following through - on this decision with remarkable skill, and as the story progressed we learned more and more about Jesse and Susannah's traits. Truth be told, it was like the reader becomes a third party in their relationship (as creepy as that sounds). What Jesse learned, so did I; what Susannah began to notice in her husband, so did I, and I became more attentive to these quirks as I lost myself more in the story.

It did seem at points that Jesse and Susannah were built on massive cliches; of course the man had to be the strong, confident, ready to take charge protagonist we've always been given. Ivar wasn't much different. Susannah followed her set path of quiet, shy, constantly apologetic woman who doesn't seem to have much passion for anything. Marta was the serene woman that I've never once come across (perhaps they existed back then and crazy women like myself hunted them into extinction). This bothered me less as Catherine revealed more of the character, but it would have been nice to have seen more of what prompted Susannah to marry Jesse beyond, "It seemed like a good idea". Jesse's "I was lonely" was equally disappointing. I wanted juiciness, gosh darn it!

But regardless of these criticisms, I was hooked. I was certainly transported back to the dirt house in Dakota of times gone past, and was shocked to find myself blinking back to 21st century Australia. This book was a Christian novel, but I don't really think I'd class it as that (at least not as its primary genre). It's historical romance, plain and true.

Overall, I'd give this book 4 stars. Good stuff, Catherine Richmond. Approve muchly.

This book lives at Book Depository

Disclosure of Material Connection: This book was most lovingly supplied to me by Booksneeze, free of charge. Opinions are most thoroughly my own, positive or otherwise.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

My time starts now...

If you listen to the stories my mother loves to share (thanks, Mum), I have always attempted to read the Sydney Morning Herald. In fact, I used to go and sit on the closed toilet, feet dangling far from the floor, with the paper stretched as far as my arms could manage. (I'd seen my grandfather doing the same in his armchair, apparently.) 
This love for the Herald has continued on, and I particularly love their old segment, Your Time Starts Now.
Naturally, I got in on the act.  

My earliest memory is... Excitedly telling my mother I understood the difference between 'to', 'two' and 'too', after telling her one lunchtime 16 years ago, "I want to have two sausages too!"
At school, I... was the shortest, the youngest, and apparently the smartest. Essentially, I was the 'est' of the school.
My first relationship was... with a blue and white whale, recently donated to Vinnies. He and I were great pals. He spoke by emitting a high pitched squeak only decipherable by me and walked on his tail fin.
I wish I'd never worn... where to begin? The ruched shirt that resembled a tablecloth, or the baggy skate pants?
I wish I hadn't... gone into that emo/skater phase. That's going to take a lot of explaining in a few years.
At home I make... cakes. So much cake.
I'm very bad at... being patient and not concocting scenarios in my head where I am far wittier than I'll ever be verbally. Also, admitting I'm wrong.
When I was a child I wanted to... write, teach, write, train dolphins, write, become a musician, write, become a professional skater, write, design clothes, write, design costumes, write, paint and write while selling books. I may or may not have settled on one or two of those.
It's not fashionable but I love... chick lit, chick flick, bad romance novels and some really questionable 90s songs.
The books that changed my life are... Harry Potter, the Bible, House of the Scorpion, Agent Angel and Taming of the Shrew (not a book, I know. But so perfect). All at varying times of my life; Harry Potter and the Bible continue to do so. Potter for the amazing techniques (why, Mr Horvath, why couldn't we study this in high school? So much more informative than Wuthering Heights) and the Bible... well, because its message is amazing.
If only I could... say half of the witty things my head conjures, without them becoming fail slowps.
My last meal would be... chicken schnitzel, mashed potato and garlic tomatoes, skin peeled. Maybe a tad of onion salad, too. With cheese empanadas. Oooh, and cheesecake. I will go to heaven exploding out of my jeans and my breath reeking.
Friends say I am... "... really crazy. THAT'S A COMPLIMENT PUT DOWN THE FORK."
What I don't find amusing are... rampant sexism ("you're lucky we let you vote, don't put a stupid woman in power" - not even kidding, not said in jest) and rampant racism.
My most humiliating moment was... playing Capture the Flag. I was chasing my crush, literally. I sprung from the line with a sense of hope that I'd defy all conventions my unfit body had crafted, and that I'd catch him.
That's where the memory goes black.
It comes back when I'm sitting in a completely different location, being asked if I remember my name. I reply with "... it's Tash. What's with the stupid questions?"
Arriving home, I cried. Not because I was in pain, not because I had a nosebleed and a split lip and possibly a concussion, but because my family were giggling at me and I was humiliated beyond belief. Then I refused to go to sleep in case I suffered an aneurysm during the night because I’d actually hit a vital nerve of some description in the collision.
My boss saw me the next day. "Chasing after boys again, Tash?"
She really had no idea how close to the mark she was. And I can't look that guy in the eye, even though I now have no feelings for him whatsoever.
I am always being asked... "Do you have a boyfriend? No? Why not?"
If I wasn't me I'd like to be... possibly my dog, Tuscany. She seems to live a cruisy life.
Failing that, I'd like to be JK Rowling.
I often wonder... what on earth is going to happen in my life?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday (the second)

You should make this cake for me by checking out this here blog.
She makes some awesome stuff.
Am simultaneously jealous and hungry.
[Reasoning for photo: baking day today. Not hugely successful.]

The Book Friday Catch-Up Post

Lately, I’ve been thinking about my future children.
This isn’t a new thing for me. I’ve thought about these kids – who, at this stage, may not even come to pass – an awful lot in the last few years. Prior to these years, I was going to be one of those High Flying Career Women Who Had A Husband For Fun.
I can’t quite explain it, but suddenly that changed, and I – rather than dwelling on a fast-paced law career where I connected the dots somehow and became the PM of our illustrious nation – began thinking about the young little munchkins I would hopefully raise.
I’m not saying this has been thought through properly. I know there are many moments that I don’t want to consider, that my mind puts a big red cross over and then distracts me with flowers in the opposite direction. Lack of sleep, being responsible for cleaning someone else’s bodily fluids, dealing with someone as stubborn as myself but in a smaller, sugar-crazed form…
Never mind all that! (Somewhere in the future, Mother Tash wishes she could just ‘never mind all that’.)
So in my ideal world, Emmeline and Mella and Jason and Dominic (future husband please let me have my way?) will be lovely, obedient children (ha!) and will read (knowing my luck, also ha!).
And without further ado, the list of Books I Will Make My Children Read* **!
In no particular order, por supuesto, because I can never choose.

Harry Potter Series

Ideally, I’d like my children to develop a sound character. To learn that they can do many things, despite their age, and while they may not accomplish them first time round, they’ll get there in the end. That we do have choices in life, and that they do matter. That friendship and love is more important than anything in the world. As an interesting article pointed out, even the best of people still are flawed. That you can’t live life alone (as appealing as it seems sometimes) – community is needed to survive.
Charles Coulson said the following of Harry, Ron, Hermione – oh, and Hogwarts in general: “[they] develop courage, loyalty, and a willingness to sacrifice for one another. Not bad lessons in a self centred world.”
The characters operate out of love, on the whole. I want my kids to be learning that.
Also, these pictures sum up the main reasons why I’ll encourage my daughters to read this over Twilight. (Any copies of Twilight found in my home will be ceremonially burned in the backyard while I solemnly read from Reasoning With Vampires.)

The Bible

If I teach my children nothing else in life than that Jesus died for them, I count that as a life win. I very much hope that they learn this message – my gosh, it’s done heaps for me and still continues to every time I make a step in this world.

Pride and Prejudice

Yes, I’m a sucker for Mr Darcy. I don’t know if I’ll make my sons read this. I’ll certainly persuade them to as much as I can.
“Guys, Mr Darcy is suave. Suave, I say. Now, it’s probably not best to go insulting everything about the girl you’re interested in, only to follow it up with a proposal. That wasn’t a shining moment. But hey! He doesn’t have a wife in the attic! And that, dear sons of mine, is something you must never have either.”
“Why does everyone mention a lake scene?”
“I ask myself the same question every time I’m confronted with Colin Firth.”


I will get them to read this and swoon at the quality of writing. (Chances are I’ll be the only one swooning.)
“Just remember. Briony is a fool. A FOOL I SAY.”
“… yes, Mum… Mum put that pen down stop holding it in such a threatening way why are your eyes twitching?”

Pablo Neruda Completed Works
I hope that when I'm a successful author, I get an
author picture as cool as this one.
“This is your heritage. You must learn it, or else my Tata will come back and haunt us. I don’t want that, you don’t want that, so we read Neruda.”
“Is that the only reason?”
“Well, he’s amazing… but yes. I’m very frightened of his ghost.”

The House of the Scorpion

I’ve just looked over all the book posts I’ve done. How has this not made the list? Regardless, my kids need to read this book. It’s Mary Shelley for the youth of today. This coming Book Friday – I am reviewing this book, gosh darn it, even though it’s a few years old.
Right. Kids. Um.
 “There are clones, there are eejits, there are people and there are masses of technology living alongside masses of opium. Not only that, Opium is the country’s name. Oh yeah. That border between the US and Mexico? Extended to form a country whose primary export is – sing it with me – opium. And the US government promise they won’t haul in the higher powers to investigate, so long as Opium (or Matteo Alacran) takes care of the illegal immigrant problem. Which he does, by lobotomizing them, inserting a computer chip into their brains, and setting them to work on his farm. Eejits. Isn’t that awesome?”
“… where on earth do you find these books?”

Animal Farm

“We’re seriously reading a book about the Russian Revolution?”
“Yes. And you had better love it.”
“… but, Mum. I’m learning about this in history. It’s boring.”
“Hush. This has animals. See the difference?”

Taming of the Shrew

“This is Shakespeare’s best play. EVER.”
“Macbeth was way cooler. They cut off his head. And Lady Macbeth threw herself off a building.”
“G – guys, no. I get that it’s cool. But this is hilarious in all ways.”
“And then when they cut off his head they speared it on a stick and rode around his castle with it.”
“He does.”
“… Wait. How do you guys even know about Polanski? People my age aren’t supposed to know about Polanski!”

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

[closes book] “What have we learned?”
“You can write a whole lot of messed up stuff when on drugs?”
“… well, yes. That’s a primary point. Don’t do drugs.”


“So remember House of the Scorpion and all that?”
“That one was cooler. Why did he even decide to make a person out of dead people?”
“He was an idiot wanting to play God… but mainly, he was an idiot.”
“What I want to know is why on earth he said no to the Monster about the ‘make me a woman and stat’ concept. I mean, all his family died because he said no. Who does that?”
“Like I said, man was an idiot.”

Looking for Alibrandi

“What’s the HSC?”
“A week spent in the nether regions of exam hell, essentially. Be glad you never have to do anything like that, ever.”

How I Live Now

“Isn’t Edmund her cousin?”
“He was.”
“Is it okay because they’re English and American?”
“I… don’t really know. You guys know that’s not the point to this book, right? It’s love conquers all and that no matter who you are, you can do stuff...”
“Seriously, Mum. The cousin thing is slightly more prominent than that. Also, Edmund’s an absolute wuss.”
“Things that cannot be denied…”

 * Chances are, my children will not listen to me.
 ** Regardless of this, I imagine us sitting in Neil Gaiman's library, quietly reading. For some reason we're also all wearing Hogwarts uniforms. I may be imagining a scene from Harry Potter... 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

30 Days of Books, Day 22.

[Favourite book you own]

Oh gosh. How on earth can I even pull out one?
I’ve just gone and stood in my horrifying mess of a room (note to self: clean it) and surveyed my book collection. Unable to specify one, I’ve decided to write down the ones I reach for when I’m desperate for a book, the ones with excellent memories, the ones that get me through tough times and the ones that have taught me things. The ones whose passages leap into my mind months, years, after I last closed them.
There’s a vast amount of non-fiction – more than I realised. So I’ll divide this up into my non-fiction loves and my fiction loves.

Non-fiction, in no particular order

I bought this in the throes of my Ewan McGregor adoration, and boy did it hurt. Even with a 40% staff discount I had to put it on layby and stroke it occasionally during my shifts ($75 here). If you've seen the doco that ties in with this, you’ll know the basic storyline. Essentially Ewan and Charley get on motorbikes and ride around the world. They released a memoir about it, and this version contains the memoir with photos. The photos are stunning, though my Ewan-Adorer-Self was a bit saddened at the beard he sported throughout. They released a different version to tie in with the African journey, Long Way Down.

I got this for my 18th last year. Thanks to my grandfather, I’ve become besotted with the Herald (cue the disapproving glares of Queensland newsagents. What, I’m supposed to become a better writer reading the Courier Mail?). Dad, fully aware of this, came across this book in the Xavier library office, given to them by the Herald and awaiting a shiny plastic cover. “Can I buy one of these directly?” he asked Gloria. “Tash would adore one.”
Unfortunately, there were some sort of conditions attached – these books were only being distributed to certain people, perhaps subscribers. I can’t remember. However, Gloria gave the book to my dad to give to me for my birthday.
The book contains photos of memorable events from the last 125 years of the Herald. Believe you me; there are some stunning shots in there.

Living in Brisbane, I was excited. The Dymocks in the city was amazing, and I could spend hours in there indulging my new fetish – pretty cookbooks. Dad phoned for Mum’s birthday. “What should we get her?”
“Leave it to me,” I said, thinking of all the fun I could have in the bookstore, “I’ll bring the presents with me.”
I found Bill’s Sydney Food and Food Safari for Mum and promptly spent the majority of my savings on them. It was a no-brainer. Food Safari was incredible, but Bill’s Sydney Food was ten times better. Maybe it was my creepy bookseller attitude prevailing, but the slipcover. The colour scheme. The photography. The weight of the book, just right for reading, perfectly balanced to lay flatly open to any recipe.
When we presented the books to Mum, she was more excited about the ‘Bill Granger aspect’ than the ‘exquisite slipcover aspect’. I pointed it out. She stared blankly. “… yes, Tash… a slipcover.”
Disgruntled, I returned to Brisbane. A few weeks later it was my birthday, and Mum bought me this. “Tash, look! There’s a slipcover!” she teased.

The final school holidays before my HSC, my parents took me to Melbourne. It probably wasn’t the best for my study regime (then again, what study regime? Watching Scrubs and solely speaking in Spanish is probably not recommended by teachers), but it was the best for every other aspect of my life. We mainly went so I could see two exhibitions – Salvador Dali, and Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Dad bought me this as a grad present, along with a miniature painting. I love this so much. I no longer need to Google his paintings and be presented with tiny results. Instead, they’re all in here, with titles in English, Catalan and Spanish. Swoon.

This book is excellent. I’ve noticed that whenever I fail at life, particularly in my purity, I start thinking “Goodness, I am clearly depraved and worthless and the only one feeling like this”. But this book? Showed I’m not the only one. Showed I’m feeling things everyone’s felt. It’s encouraging to be reminded of this, and to also be given encouragement to become who I was designed to become.

Ah, Proverbs 31 Woman. So unattainable. I get up for work and am all, “BLERGH HATE MY JOB HATE BEING AWAKE RIGHT NOW COMPLAINTS”, then feel ridiculous about not meeting the standard. Receive a $500 bill (really, just did) – not doing the Prov. 31 thing with my possessions and money. This book shows practical ways to incorporate Proverbs 31 easily into our lives. Also, hugely fun ways.

I got this Bible probably in Year 9, from Robyn (my amazingly awesome Sunday School teacher and now mentor in all things life-related). I’ve tried to move onto less youth-centred Bibles. This Bible has quizzes and facts specifically centred towards teens, and I decided I clearly was moving into the next phase of my life. I bought a woman’s Bible. Still can’t give this one up. It’s got my notes in it from all areas of my life. Got my prayers. Got lots of underlines (all colours). Love, love, love – it’s a journey of my Christian walk.

Fiction, in no particular order

I have read this book so much it’s been taped together repeatedly, futile attempts to stop it from collapsing in two. Chris once threw it at me as part of our war – it tore in two. I tenderly sticky-taped it back together as we called a temporary truce, and laid it in the hospital. One of his friends gently tossed it to me a few months later, and the sticky tape fell off. This friend, a fellow Harry Potter lover, gasped and scooped it up. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to! Not to this!”
If you don’t know what Harry Potter’s about… you need to go read them, now.
One of those ones that has perfect writing that’s so exquisitely amusing and painted true to life. It was the first that I’d read that wasn’t linear novel, but composed solely of letters and emails. I adored it, I adored the characters, I adored the story. Froth.

Remember how I said I need to finish series as a part of my creepy compulsive writer-self? This is another one. I’d only read the first (won it in the Youth Group auction, Year 7) and desperately wanted the others in the series. Think I could find them? Of course not.
Then, Melbourne trip, I found a Koorong. AND I FOUND THEM ALL BOUND UP AND NEAT AND ONLY $20.
Good buy, great read.

Not very intellectual, I admit it. But oh so addictive. Follows the adventures of Becky Bloomwood/Brandon as she navigates her debts, her shopping addictions, married life and family life, in typical Sophie Kinsella form – by which I mean, with a whole lot of humour and with an engrossing storyline. Certainly takes your mind off your day!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Everything Is Ending, Chameleon Circuit (with those lyric things).

So Chameleon Circuit, a Trock band made of awesome, released their new album on... Tuesday, I think?
Yes. It was Tuesday.
Right. Anyway, Still Got Legs was released to the general public/Nerdfighteria, much to everyone's glee. If you're a Doctor Who fan, you should check these guys out. (Tweeters, you would have noticed my excited ramblings about the album.) If you're not - I sheepishly raise my hand here, but more out of a 'Wait, what time does it start... oh flip, I missed it again' reasoning - you should still check these guys out. They're just awesomesaucio.
The video above is Alex Day (yeah, I've mentioned him before) and Bryarly's wondrous duet, Everything Is Ending, a duet between the Doctor and Amy. It's amazing. Oh, that guy in the middle there is Eddplant. He's nifty too.
So, go listen. I've got lyrics underneath this poster of all the CC guys. (Liam Dryden, the groovy Scottish guy of awesome videos, is in this band. YEAH.)
(If you do enjoy, go listen to the entire album here. I'm not even kidding, they've got the album up as a try-before-you-buy. Not even fail iTunes 30 second larks, either. Full tracks. You know you want to.)

So, not the blue shirted people. L-R:
Alex Day, Eddplant, Charlie McDonnell, Liam Dryden, Michael Aranda


I'm getting married in the morning
I took off my engagement ring
It was the night before my wedding 
That was the night we started running
Why would you need comforting?
I nearly died, alone in the dark
I couldn't open my eyes and it made me think
About what I want, about who I want
Everything is ending, I can't believe I didn't see it sooner
I know that this is what I need to do
Even though you haven't got a clue
Everything is changing, I have to keep you by my side tonight
And this must be why you found me, why you found me
You know I'm an alien
You have so many empty rooms
You really ought to get that seen to
Why would you need comforting?
I nearly died, alone in the dark
I couldn't open my eyes and it made me think
About what I want, about who I want
This will be too hard
Why can't you open your eyes
I'll think about how to stop this from going on
Because your life doesn't make any sense
Everything is ending, I can't believe I didn't see it sooner
I know that this is what I need to do even though you havent got a clue
Everything is changing, I have to keep you by my side tonight
And this must be why you found me, why you found me
You're getting married in the morning
That's a long time away
You're human, you're Amy
This is my fairytale
Listen to me, I'm 907 [you're 907]
Don't you know what that means?
Doctor, you're sweet [Hold that thought]
Everything is ending, I can't believe I didn't see it sooner
I know that this is what I need to do even though you havent got a clue
Everything is changing, I have to keep you by my side tonight
And this must be why you found me, why you found me

If I've messed up the lyrics anywhere, please do let me know. I couldn't find any through Googlehunts, so I've attempted to transcribe them myself. See how much I love you, lone blog community?
In the spirit of Nerdfighteria, DFTBA and all that.

EDIT: Uh. So, those lyrics look all squished. Sorry, guys. Percy is once again gnawing at my formatting. Gonna attack him soon. 

30 Days of Books, Complete List

UPDATE: I have finally, at long flipping last, finished this meme.
All the links are there, and you know what? I'm going to be generous. Titles are here as well.
To neatly scroll through all the posts with the 30 Days tag, click here.

So I figured that I should probably post an entire list, on the off chance that someone decides they want to do this challenge as well.
Also, credit where credit is due (can't remember if I've mentioned this blog): I found this challenge on Subtle_Sarcasm's LJ.
Bold text is what I've completed, with links included.

Day 01 - Best book you read last year: How I Live Now, Meg Rosoff.
Day 02 - A book that you've read more than 3 times: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, JK Rowling.
Day 03 - Your favorite series: Only in Gooding!, Cathy Marie Hake.
Day 04 - Favorite book of your favorite series: Fancy Pants, Cathy Marie Hake. 
Day 05 - A book that makes you happy: The Poetry of Pablo Neruda, Pablo Neruda.
Day 06 - A book that makes you sad: Atonement, Ian McEwan.
Day 07 - Most underrated book: Agent Angels Series, Annie Dalton.

Day 08 - Most overrated book: Twilight Series, Stephenie Meyer.
Day 09 - A book you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving: The Godfather, Mario Puzo.
Day 10 - Favorite classic book: Animal Farm, George Orwell.

Day 11 - A book you hated: An Open Swimmer, Tim Winton.
Day 12 - A book you used to love but don't anymore: Nil, because I am a bit of a cheat.
Day 13 - Your favorite writer: Melina Marchetta.
Day 14 - Favorite book from your favorite writer: Saving Francesca, Melina Marchetta. 
Day 15 - Favorite male character: Remus Lupin (Harry Potter Series, JK Rowling).
Day 16 - Favorite female character: Proverbs 31 Woman (The Bible).
Day 17 - Favorite quote from your favorite book: Lives in the Saving Francesca post.
Day 18 - A book that disappointed you: The Slap, Christos Tsiolkas.
Day 19 - Favorite book turned into a movie: The Notebook, Nicholas Sparks.
Day 20 - Favorite romance book: A Walk to Remember, Nicholas Sparks.
Day 21 - Favorite book from your childhood: Bananas in Pyjamas series, Katrina van Gendt.
Day 22 - Favorite book you own: 

Day 23 - A book you wanted to read for a long time but still haven't: Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy & The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas.
Day 24 - A book that you wish more people would've read: The House of the Scorpion, Nancy Farmer.
Day 25 - A character who you can relate to the most: Josephine Alibrandi (Looking for Alibrandi, Melina Marchetta).
Day 26 - A book that changed your opinion about something: The Female Eunuch, Germaine Greer.
Day 27 - The most surprising plot twist or ending: Petunia writing to Hogwarts (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, JK Rowling).
Day 28 - Favorite title: The Shadow of the Wind/La Sombra del Viento, Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
Day 29 - A book everyone hated but you liked: The Crucible, Arthur Miller.

Day 30 - Your favorite book of all time: Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen & The Bride Quartet, Nora Roberts.

I'll keep linking as I go along, in an unusual sense of being organised and whatnot.
G'night, todos!

30 Days of Books, Day 21.

[Favourite book from your childhood.]

I can't even find these books online. I shouldn't feel this old, but upon incessantly Googling and not being able to find a thing I felt a glimmer of sadness for the childhood that's clearly stomped off into my past.
Oh, 90s childhood (okay that was twenty years ago, I need to stop being surprised by this sort of thing), you were wondrous.
GPOY, circa 1995-6 (guessing here) with
my charming uncle.
... oh, you got that we were related?
Oh right, I'm meant to be writing a post. Oops.

So my favourite childhood books, seemingly no longer in print (sob)?

The Bananas in Pyjamas books, by Katrina Van Gendt.

I don't really know how many people had these books. From what I know of my childhood, my parents were into some pretty wacky things. Not in a bad way, of course. We were raised on Franciscus Henri, who is an absolute legend.

But yeah, these books were lovely and awesome.
Rather than just the three teddies of the show's fame - who I believe are Morgan, Amy and Lulu - there are 12 teddies.

There were Beans in Jeans and Beetroots in Gumboots.

They're simple, lovely, easy to read books.

And apparently, they were the very first books I ever learned to read by myself.
This picture will forever live in my mind.

I'd tell you to go get them, but... sadly, no longer in print.
And you are not getting my copies. *hugs them close while staring creepily*

Anyway. Short one, really. I'm not the best to talk about kiddie books so I did it with pictures. Instagram-ed pics courtesy of Andromeda, shoddy lighting in my living room, and the furry mat my parents bought to hide the copious amounts of dog fur that floats around our house.